Why vote for me? Here’s why

by Jo Hayes on 7 May, 2015

Over the past few weeks I have done all I can in the time available to communicate with the more than 66,000 electors of this constituency. It has become obvious to me that many of those in the smaller villages and communities never hear from their political representatives from one year’s end to the next. There is no dialogue. This is not right.

Representation of the people should be what it says on the tin – representing them! That requires listening, consulting, considering and then using the power and influence of an MP’s role for what seems best for constituents, in the public interest. So the role of an MP requires talking to people, empathy, hard work, a good team and good judgement.

I haven’t had time to talk to many of you but I can undertake to do so in future and to supply empathy, hard work and a good team as well. Whether I can provide good judgement as well, others must decide. But I’m still sure I did the right thing by helping to found the Liberal Democrats back in 1987 and working to promote them ever since.

The Lib Dems exist as a choice on your ballot paper because of the hard work, cash and commitment of a lot of ordinary people who, like me, want a better future. For us this means a fairer, more free, more diverse, more tolerant, more equal Britain, where nobody is trapped by poverty, ignorance or conformity. We can’t have those good things without an open, thriving, soundly-based economy, a healthy planet and a more peaceful world. To achieve these things I believe we should, as Churchill said, jaw jaw, not war war.

At home, we must turn our backs on the divisive politics and seesaw governance Britain has had from the Conservatives and Labour, who time after time have acted selfishly to defend their own interests and block the changes Britain needs.

in Witham constituency the Conservative had a big majority last time. I don’t believe the majority of the people of this constituency agree with her right-wing views. I believe they voted Conservative in 2010 because it was obvious to sensible people that the Labour government had to go. This time that is not the choice before you. This time, under our unfair First Past the Post election system, I can win for Witham if, but only if, people who don’t consider themselves Liberal Democrats lend me their vote to defeat the Conservative.

In politics, no one can achieve anything on their own. Will you help me this time? Will you lend me your vote? Please do.

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